Project: Studio B

Design Build

Software used:  Microsoft OutLook, Autodesk Revit, Adobe Photoshop.

This studio focused upon the design, energy analysis, budget analysis and construction documents preparation for an affordable single-family residence.  The project site is on a five-parcel lot in Barrio San Antonio, on the corner of E. 15th St. and Star Ave.

The houses already constructed at this site were designed, drawn and built by faculty and students working for the non-profit Drachman Design-Build Coalition (DDBC) with support from a City of Tucson grant entitled “The Civano Demonstration Project”. In addition to the goals of strong design and well-executed construction, the project guidelines include mandates for energy and water conservation.

The terms of the grant stipulate that these houses will reduce energy use by 65% (from a Tucson average of 64,000 to 22,400 btu’s per sq ft per year) and reduce water use by 54% (to 53 gallons/person/day for interior use and 28 gallons/day for exterior use). Each residence will be between 1000 and 1200 square feet in area and will house a low-income family selected and qualified through a HUD-approved home ownership program.

Specific responsibilities: Assist in the construction process, prepared vendor specific technical drawings, inquired on price estimates from various vendors and maintain constant communication with said vendors.

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